Wednesday 16 January 2013


She was a flower from the heaven,who came and went. But whose scent shall forever remain in my mind.-words of Sayidina Ali about Fatimah.

Its already halfway through january.and this year,i am going to be 22 years old this coming february.feel like only yesterday I still in secondary school,enjoying every little thing of it.times sure do fly fast.

Im graduating in 2014,and honestly,Im scared. Scare about my how to face real life. Because truth to be told, im not yet ready. My knowledge is still low,my experiences is nowhere compare with others. Im trying to be better day by day. trying to collect all the experiences that should be learn before facing the real world.

Learn to appreciate the moments.capture it in your that it always remain there. I think that what im going to do from now on than worrying about the future. Not that I'm not planning anything,but instead of worrying about failing in what we plan,just go with it. Take risk. Because life seem so short to be waste like that.

With that,
Najwa shariff :)

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