Saturday 2 February 2013

Second month:all time favourite

Fill the paper with the breathings of your heart -William Wordsworth

2013 moving on so fast. The next thing you remember is its already february. February always be the best month because of the special dates that happen to be through it. I hope this year, february will be meaningful as always,InsyaAllah. :)

However,let recall back what happen in january! Despite celebrated new year with final paper and exam mood(if I had any :p), Im still happy to make it through 2012 pretty well. It also happens to be nawal's engagement day on 26th which sadly, I couldn't make it. And shes so beautiful.

And I end January with an aca-awesome catch up session with th girls.hihi.3 hours karaoke is bliss. :)

Till then,
Najwa shariff

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